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Schooling for Parents is a forum for parents to exchange

ideas and experiences.

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I invite you to draw with me the first steps towards the "professionalization" of parents based on the self-consciousness of thoughts and awareness of feelings, which means self-love, so that children have a model to learn to love themselves as well.


                                      Maluh De Felice

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To Be a Parent is a Profession

Maluh De Felice

I believe to be a parent is a profession. But how can someone start a career without having ever entered a classroom explicitly directed to that profession? Even worst: how can someone begin a job without having attended an internship in that field?


Let's discuss some of the existential questions one may or will have while facing parenthood.

By adjusting the ways of thinking, parents learn to deal with their fears.   As such a profound change usually takes years to show results, ideally that should start before one becomes a parent.


By being the child's quiet, reliable leader,

you are teaching him to be his own leader and

the leader of his son.

Mother & Daughter



Let's Talk

A parent can not be a model without knowing himself and loving himself so that he has the tools to know and love the other : the partner and the child.

The problem is we have a very feeble idea of loving.

So, what is loving?

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